Why Offer a Self-Service Customer Portal?

If you have not already established a self-service customer portal, it is time. Among business owners of all ages, self-service is gaining on telephone as the preferred method of initiating service requests, approving invoices and making payments. 24/7 availability and no wait time let them handle routine issues efficiently and at their convenience. Show your customers you care by providing them with that independence and control.

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If you have not already established a customer self-service portal for your field service business, it is time. Consider the benefits for you and your customer.

Businesses prefer self-service for simple transactions

Among business owners of all ages, self-service is gaining on the telephone as the preferred method of initiating service requests, approving invoices and making payments. 24/7 availability and no wait time let them handle routine issues efficiently and at their convenience.  Show your customers you care by providing them with that independence and control.

Let your office staff focus on complex problems

You and your customers save time as customers shift to the portal for service requests, scheduling, and invoice management. No longer on hold on the phone, your office staff will be free to manage challenging problems and sensitive customer relationships.

Spend less time on bookkeeping and more on service

As customer invoices and payments flow through the portal the need for manual invoicing and payment processing diminishes. Notification of discrepancies and disputes will be faster. Your accounts receivable staff will have time to focus on complex and problematic accounts.

Gain insight from work order feedback

The portal makes it easy for customers to give feedback after a job is completed. Use this information to improve your service, identify the need for callbacks, and monitor technician performance.

Use the portal community to identify FAQ and solutions

An important feature of a customer portal is a community forum—a platform where your customers can discuss common concerns. This is a great opportunity for you to identify their concerns, contribute solutions, and learn from their creativity.

Join a RazorSync live demo to learn how our customer portal will work for your business.

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