Lawn Care Dispatch Software: How to Streamline Your Business During Busy Season

After what seemed like a never-ending winter season, spring has officially sprung. For many companies, the changing seasons don’t have much of an impact on...

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After what seemed like a never-ending winter season, spring has officially sprung. For many companies, the changing seasons don’t have much of an impact on business. But for lawn care and landscaping businesses, warmer temperatures signal an upcoming busy season. As things begin to ramp up, here’s how you can streamline operations with a lawn care dispatch software. 

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Surviving Busy Season With a Lawn Care Dispatch Software

Prioritize Your Payments

Whether you’re a local business or franchise, staying on top of your accounts receivable is extremely important as business picks up. With a lawn care dispatch software, automatic payments and mobile signature capture make it easy to stay ahead of customer payments. As your techs complete new or recurring jobs, automated billing allows your customer to receive an invoice as soon as it’s posted and pay it on the spot. 

Keep Track of Field Techs

As work orders begin to flow in, having workforce management within your lawn care dispatch software is essential. A feature that’s especially helpful for techs with regular and recurring stops? GPS tracking, which allows you to assign work to techs based on their location throughout the day. With mobile capabilities, your drivers will have consistent access to route optimizations, schedule changes, and more throughout the day on their smartphone or tablet. With GPS tracking and job scheduling, you can reduce operational costs from wasted gas and fragmented routes. 

[Read more: Top 4 Things to Expect From Your Dispatch Software]

Stay On Top of Inventory

In the midst of a busy season, it’s important to stay on top of resources–especially when a lack of inventory can have a direct impact on profitability. Have your techs automatically update inventory, along with customer records, before they leave their job sites. As information is synced across devices, your office team will be updated in real-time, along with your customer profiles and QuickBooks.

What may be rightfully dubbed “The 100 Days of Hell”—the landscaping busy season—results in some landscape and lawn care companies experiencing the majority of their yearly business in the months before summer. 

As the temperature slowly begins to increase, see how you can optimize your business with a lawn care dispatching software. Try RazorSync free for 14-days or contact our team to schedule a free live demo

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