Do Your HVAC Techs See the Gold in the Mold?

Are your HVAC field techs alert to signs of mold in a home or commercial building? And prepared to educate customers on the dangers of...

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corner of ceiling with mold on wall and ceiling

Are your HVAC field techs alert to signs of mold in a home or commercial building? And prepared to educate customers on the dangers of mold and the benefits of dehumidification systems? If not, your business is missing prime sales opportunities. When your technician enters a customer’s home or business, it is an an industry expert and a trusted advisor. Take advantage of that relationship.

Train your HVAC field technicians to identify mold indicators and have them memorize statements to use when discussing the issue with a customer. Provide a brochure or handout discussing mold hazards and abatement. A separate brochure on whole-house dehumidification systems can point out the inefficiency of using an air conditioning system to reduce humidity.

Make it clear in your company that every employee is in sales. Give your techs and office staff business cards. Incorporate sales incentives into your field staff compensation package. And make increased sales of dehumidification systems a company goal, with weekly or monthly results posted on the wall.

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