Can You Prove the Service Was Provided?
If your business is based on repeat visits to provide spa and pool services, walk dogs, clean homes or mow lawns, you and your customer need to know the service was performed. How will you respond when a customer calls and complains that your technician never came by to clean that pool?
Jun 10, 2015
# of Minutes to Read
If your business is based on repeat visits to provide spa and pool services, walk dogs, clean homes or mow lawns, you and your customer need to know the service was performed.
How will you respond when a customer calls and complains that your technician never came by to clean that pool? Can you prove your employee was there? Of course you can! And, you can provide a photo record of the work done.
If your employees carry mobile phones or tablets equipped with field management software, you will have a GPS record of the stop and of your employee’s location when the job was completed and the invoice was emailed.
If your employees take before-and-after photos for every job, the photos will be time-stamped. If any parts have been replaced, the photos can provide proof the parts were new and branded. (With RazorSync an employee can upload job-site photos to the permanent customer record with just a click.)
More benefits of your GPS record: You will be able to identify those employees that are clocked in but not productive. One of our customers, within two weeks of installing RazorSync field service software, discovered an eight-year employee was enjoying full afternoons of extra-curricular activities while on the payroll. And another successfully defended a hit-and-run lawsuit by proving the company’s van was not even at the site of the crash.
Do you have a story to tell about your GPS records? Share with our readers!