Best Pest Control Tips For Keeping Pests Away During The Changing Seasons

Did you know pest infestations affected 84% of homeowners over the past year? The majority of homeowners in America experience pest issues. Ensuring your team...

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Did you know pest infestations affected 84% of homeowners over the past year? The majority of homeowners in America experience pest issues. Ensuring your team understands the best pest control practices will leave your clients satisfied with your service.

What bugs to watch out for

Seasonal differences lead to different kinds of bugs being more problematic than others. With the fall and winter months approaching, these are common pests you might see during this time of year:

  • Drywood termites
  • Ants
  • Rodents
  • Ladybugs

Aside from these, a few year-round pests include bed bugs and roaches. Your technicians should be mindful of this as they are inspecting the property prior to treating it. If seasonal pests have access to the home, so other pests that survive year-round could also enter your client’s home.

Best pest control practices and tips

Spotting structural home issues

After educating your clients on common seasonal pests, the next step in providing the best pest control service is to inspect their property for any structural issues with the home that may allow for pests to creep in. As pest control specialists, your team should know how to quickly spot places pests enter a home and communicate this information to your clients so they can seal up their homes.

 These unwanted visitors will enter through unsealed doors, broken windows and screens, sinking roofs, foundational cracks, and vents and exhaust fans. Other ways critters could become a problem for your clients are if they leave food out, don’t regularly take out their trash bins, or allow their yard to become overgrown and unkept. 

The best pest control specialists will acknowledge that pest issues go beyond sealing up a home and also involve general home cleanliness.

Know the signs

Half the battle when checking your client’s home for pests and preparing the proper treatment method is knowing the signs of pests in a home. Different pests leave different signs behind, but here are a few things to universally check.

Droppings are a great indicator of pests. Your team must be educated on the different types of pest feces in order to quickly and accurately identify and irradicate pests. With this, they should also be familiar with different types of eggs.

Physical and structural damage can include signs of chewing on furniture or any damage to wooden structures in the home. Termites feed off wood and can cause major damage to any wood in your client’s home.

Nesting is an easy way to spot mice or rats in your client’s home. The best pest control specialists will search various crevices and crannies in the home for rodent nests. These nests can typically be found behind kitchen appliances or in cabinets.

Pest inspection frequency

A common question asked among pest control companies and their clients is “how often should treatments be done?” To effectively combat the infestation and ensure treatments are not wearing off, pest control specialists should schedule quarterly appointments with their clients, especially ones facing particularly aggressive pest problems. Although this may be a financial commitment for some clients, it better guarantees that their pest problems will be manageable.

Key takeaway

Pest infestation is a problem many homeowners face. With your specialists’ knowledge and experience, they can provide the best pest control solutions for their clients, keep their homes bug and rodent free, and build their trust in your business. 

RazorSync’s field service software will help you manage your team and inventory to ensure that you’re able to provide high-quality pest control services efficiently. Contact RazorSync for details, or try it free for 14 days.

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